About me

I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Project Manager at the Smart Infrastructure and Construction Research Excellence Cluster at The University of British Columbia (UBC). I am also an incoming Assistant Professor at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). My research falls in structural and construction engineering, with a focus on the development and application of machine learning, digital twin, robots, computer vision, sensor fusion, and resilient structural components and systems, through computer simulations, laboratory tests, and field validation.

Recent news

  • Oct 2024, the UBC Smart Structures Research Group is expected to conduct large-scale shake table tests at the International Joint Research Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering (ILEE) at Tongji University. Stay tuned for future updates!
  • Aug 2024, I received the Globalink Research Award from Mitacs to conduct collaborative research between UBC and Imperial College London.
  • Aug 2024, the UBC Smart Structures Research Group won the Mitacs Accelerate Fund titled “Smart Automated AI-Driven Digital Construction using 5G network”, partnered with Rogers Communication. I am one of the Co-investigators in the research grant.
  • Jun 2024, the UBC Smart Structures Research Group established the first UBCV-UBCO workshop on advanced structural experimental testing technologies including shake table tests and hybrid simulation tests. The UBCV team is led by Prof. Tony Yang. The UBCO team is led by Prof. Shahria Alam.
  • May 2024, I joined the Editorial Board of the Sensors Journal.
  • Mar 2024, the UBC Smart Structures Research Group received the Codes Acceleration Fund titled “Accelerated Code Implementation of High-Performance Energy Efficient and Carbon-Neutral Modular Buildings”, funded by the National Resources Canada (~$CAD 7 million). I am one of the Co-investigators in the research grant.
  • Mar 2024, the UBC Smart Structures Research Group won the Research Excellence Clusters initiative to further develop the “Smart Infrastructure and Construction Research Cluster” at UBC. The cluster consists of elite researchers and industrial partners in Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Construction Management.
  • Nov 2023, I joined the Editorial Board of the Journal of Intelligent Construction.
  • Oct 2023, the UBC Smart Structures Research Group won an industrial grant titled “Smart Automated AI-Driven Digital Construction using Rogers 5G network”, funded by Rogers Communication (top 3 telecom company in Canada). I am one of the Co-investigators in the research grant.
  • Aug 2023, I joined the Editorial Board of the Frontiers in Built Environment Journal.
  • Jan 2023, as a Postdoc and Project Manager, I led subprojects funded by the NSERC Grant “High-Performance Modular Tall Buildings Toward Resilient Constructions”, in collaboration with FP Innovation.
  • Jan 2023, as a Postdoc and Project Manager, I led subprojects funded by the NSERC Grant “Next-Generation Wood Construction Project”(~$CAD 6.25 million). The research team consists of leading researchers across 10+ universities in Canada.
  • Mar 2022, I received the “Highly Cited Article Award” for my paper titled “Seismic control of rocking structures via external resonators” published in Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics.
  • Oct 2019, I received the Civil Engineering PhD Excellence Award at UBC.

(NSERC: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) (NRCan: National Resources Canada) (NRC: National Research Council Canada)