Low-rise long-span steel structural systems are commonly used for non-residential buildings in Canada and the United States. These structures are typically designed using hot-rolled steel sections. In recent years, due to its lightweight nature, high initial stiffness, and economical advantages, cold-form steel corrugated walls (CFSCW) have been used to replace hot-rolled steel sections and other concrete sections. In this study, a novel CFSCWs without boundary frames is proposed for non-residential building applications, known as Frameless Systems.
[1]. Vaze, S., Yang, T. Y., Bagatini-Cachuço, F., & Pan, X. (2024). Experimental and numerical investigations of Frameless CFSCW under combined in-plane shear and axial loads. Thin-Walled Structures, 198, 111677.
[2]. Pan, X., Yang, T. Y. (2023). 3D vision-based out-of-plane displacement quantification for steel plate structures using structure from motion, deep learning, and point cloud processing. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 38, 547–561.
[3]. Pan, X., Vaze, S., Xiao, Y., Tavasoli, S., Yang T.Y. (2022). Structural damage detection of steel corrugated panels using computer vision and deep learning. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) Conference, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.